
A Shout Out

A Shout Out

A shout out to Kelly O’Moore, a tech-savvy young lady (my granddaughter’s age) starting her Marketing and Design business. She specializes in marketing, social media, website, branding, and graphic design. She helps me with my website and I would recommend her to...

Shopping the Online Dating ‘Catalog’

Shopping the Online Dating ‘Catalog’

  About online dating: Who could have guessed that finding a date would end up being an online endeavor and all of us would end up "shopping" for our dates similar to how we shop for clothes or accessories from my favorite online website: style, color, size,...



Do you remember encyclopedias? Remember when we had to go to libraries to use encyclopedias if we didn't have them at home? A friend's eight-year-old granddaughter asked, "what is an encyclopedia" when she & I were talking about how we had to research & write...

A Website-Money, Passion & Time

A Website-Money, Passion & Time

  Money, time and passion are three things to consider when deciding  to create a website. Decide how much disposable income you have to spend monthly. Other expenses come into play as you make decisions moving forward.     Do you have the extra time...

How to create a website

How to create a website

  Do you want to create a website as a hobby or as a small business? Are you an inexperienced beginner (as I was) or have knowledge you can share? I am not (nor will I ever be) a web designer/developer. This is about what I've learned so far, successes and some...

Grits to Writs Blog

I hope these tidbits of information are useful to you. I am still learning as I type this. Check out the Those Days & These Days tab. If you would like to share your website and/or publishing learning experience, please leave a comment.

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